Methods of payment
Payment Methods:
All prices and charges at the hotel are made in Russian rubles, VAT is not imposed (USN).
All prices and charges at the hotel are made in Russian rubles, VAT is not imposed (USN).
- Credit/Debit Card: You can pay for a reservation on the hotel's website. After booking your reservation, a confirmation receipt will be sent after the payment.
- Credit/Debit Card: Fill out the authorization form + copy of your credit/debit card (both sides) + copy of the card holders passport (first page). This is a mandatory requirement for the bank.
- Transfer to the hotel's current account: Download account details for payment in rubles.
- Non-cash form of payment: Please contact us by phone +7 (812) 291-30-30 or e-mail us for billing.
- Cash payment method: All settlements at the hotel are made in Russian rubles.